Monday, September 10, 2012

Can I Be Well-Rested Too?

Over at Pepper's blog, she posted about the Secrets of Well-Rested Moms, and what an answer it has been to my almost-burn-out state this week! As I have already posted yesterday, last week was a real sucker - everyone was sick and Kristoff  today still is. I'm just grateful that at least his fever lowered down today. We haven't gone for a blood test because of the whole-day rain. Okay, anyway, yes, I was really exhausted, even until now.

Nevertheless, I vowed to try those steps and see where it can get me - hopefully, to that day when I can proudly say that I'm fully rested and still have time to do everything and bond with my precious loved ones.

And it will officially start tonight!

Uhmnnn...well, I'm crossing my fingers now and hope you'll wish me luck!

I'm still in a dilemma actually, to accept 2 more students for the evening class or not. I surely need more money and adding more students is the answer, needless to say. But, I am doubting if I can handle them - cause it means that I'm gonna sleep every weeknight at 11PM! And wake up at 5:30 because this little boy in the house becomes my daily alarm clock

Alright, six hours and thirty minutes sleep with a daytime nap deprivation because I think I'm having a daytime insomnia. Define daytime insomnia: it is my inability to sleep at daytime even though there's a great chance for me to sleep - the toddler has his sweet dreams and the rain gives quite a soothing coolness to my  tired eyes and body. Yep, in that case, I'm already sleepy and yet no sleep would fall to my eyes.

Anyway, it's really worth a try and worth pondering deeply on what am I gonna do about this thing that I need a lot: REST.

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