Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Is Kristoff Ready For Potty Training?

 In a gathering we attended a couple of weeks ago, an acquaintance asked me if Kristoff is still wearing a diaper. When I told her yes, she looked a little bit surprised saying that her daughter had stopped using diaper even at night a few months after she turned one. 

I felt a little pressured and guilty at first because Kristoff is already 1 year and 5 months old and yet, I haven't tried potty training him. I had to remind myself that each child is different and I must allow his normal pace of development and not to put pressure on him.

But still, it led me to search for help in potty training my toddler. Just this week, I notice significant changes in his overall development. I could account it to our vacation in La Castellana where he collected a lot of cognitive stimulation.

Here are the things I've noticed in him recently:

1. Whenever he feels like defecating, he would say "uh-uh" and touch his diaper area.
2. He knows how to obey simple orders like "don't touch", "press a button".
3. He engages in our conversation, only that his words are incomprehensible. He talks in long sentences though and when he repeats them twice, they are still the same pattern of sounds. This made us believe that he must be talking in sentences only that he can't utter words, only sounds.

Need not to say, these changes are also essential in engaging my son to potty training.

Anyhow, I searched BabyCenter and found this checklist on a toddler's readiness in potty training. 

Hmmm... let me assess my son's readiness.

Physical signs

Is coordinated enough to walk, and even run, steadily.

Urinates a fair amount at one time.                               

Has regular, well-formed bowel movements at relatively predictable times.
***He does have well-formed stools, yet his bowel schedule is still unpredictable.

Has "dry" periods of at least two hours or during naps, which shows that his bladder muscles are developed enough to hold urine. 
***Yes.Sometimes at daytime, I don't make him wear his diaper especially when we're only staying at home. He can sleep for 2 hours without urinating.

Behavioral signs

Can sit down quietly in one position for two to five minutes.                                           
***Yes! Especially when he's attentive to watching Lion King!

Can pull his pants up and down.
***Not yet.

Dislikes the feeling of wearing a wet or dirty diaper.
***Yes, he complains a lot when he has poop in his diaper or if the diaper is almost fully soaked.

Shows interest in others' bathroom habits (wants to watch you go to the bathroom or wear underwear).     
***He loves going to the bathroom, maybe because he finds it really cool. And another reason may be he's observing what people do in the bathroom.

Gives a physical or verbal sign when he's having a bowel movement such as grunting, squatting, or telling you.         
*** When he's going to poop, he says "uh-uh" and touches his diaper area. Yes!

Demonstrates a desire for independence.                                                                     
***Not so much.

Takes pride in his accomplishments.        
***I wish I can just paint his face every time his face lights up when he does something good and we give him our affirmation. So, yes!                                                                          

Isn't resistant to learning to use the toilet.
***I think he isn't.

Is in a generally cooperative stage, not a negative or contrary one.
***Guess he's in the negative stage..or say 50/50. Sometimes, he's really cooperative and obedient.

Cognitive signs

Understands the physical signals that mean he has to go and can tell you before it happens or even hold it until he has time to get to the potty.        
***Not yet.

Can follow simple instructions, such as "go get the toy."

Understands the value of putting things where they belong.
***Not so much!

Has words for urine and stool.
***Yep! For urine, it's "eeh" and for stool, it's "uh-uh".

Oh, and I guess we still have to wait for a little more time to finally get him into his official 
potty training.


  1. Don't over think it mommy or depend on what the websites say. We can introduce them to things but ultimately I think when and how goes with a personality type. There will always be someone else's child who does something before yours does. ;-)

  2. I have a 21 month old who has been using the potty off and on since she was 18 months. Our cue to start her was that she would wake up in the morning after a full night of sleep with a dry diaper. Whenever she was dry, we would take her and sit her on the potty and while she sat there we would let her brush her teeth, then we would read her a book until she finally would go. At first it only took about 15 minutes, but now she sits and goes almost immediately. During the day she gets busy and isn't so willing to use the potty so I don't force her, but every once in a while, she will tell us she has to go and goes. The other day, she woke up at 3am in the morning and asked to go potty. When we took her, she surprised us and actually pooped in the potty for the first time!

    Through my experience I've learned the easiest way to start the process is by having them sit on the potty for a few minutes in the morning (after waking up), and just before bed time. During this time we read books, sing songs, and generally just have fun. Sometimes they'll go, sometimes they won't, but at least this way they associate sitting on the potty as a positive thing. Mornings seem to be the best time because they are well rested and more willing to follow directions. Also, never force the issue. Potty training goes easier when there is little to no pressure. Force a child into potty training, and you'll just end up with a defiant, angry, frustrated, constipated toddler, and a mommy who is equally frustrated (trust me, I know from experience...ask my 2 oldest children). I have 5 children, and let's just say I've learned from experience that it's better to provide them with the opportunity, but to let them decide when they are ready. Good luck mama!

    1. Thank you for sharing your experience! It's very helpful to me, I think, yes! I have to try him sit on a potty every morning after he wakes up.

  3. I think it's great that you're encouraging with positive steps, but not stifling by other people's expectations. No one knows what's best like the parents...because we're there and know our children. Good luck with the training. :)

  4. Kristine... the way I approached potty training with my three children.... I knew that by the time the got to college they would be potty trained! LOL!!! Seriously, when I saw similar signs I bought them their own potty and away they went at their own pace. Grace, peace and blessings. Carla

  5. What's with these moms that have to brag about silly things like potty training. Do what's best for your sweet boy and don't bow to peer pressure. :)

  6. Mom's are so darn competitive! My daughter is 2 and potty trained except for at night and naps. I have to say that she was fairly easy to train but I did not push the issue with her.

  7. Thank you for all your valuable comments mamas! I'm glad that you've shared your experiences and your opinions about potty training. I'll try my best to encourage my son into potty without putting much pressure on him. And just ignore moms who would brag about their "as early as" potty trained kids.:)


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